Все музыканты // Кагель, Маурисио - Каталог произведений
23 января 2011Оглавление:
1. Кагель, Маурисио
2. Каталог произведений
3. Фильмография
- Palimpsestos for mixed choir a capella
- Two Pieces for Orchestra
- Variations for mixed quartet
- Sextet; revised 1957 as String Sextet
- Música para la torre; in four parts: 1) For Orchestra, 2) Study for Percussion, 3) Ostinato for Chamber Ensemble, 4) ensayo de música concreta
- Muertos de Buenos Aires, music for the film of the same title by Alejandro Sanderman
- Cinco cantos de Génesis for voice and piano
- Four Pieces for piano
- Drei Klangstudien
- De ruina mundis: Cantata for voice and instruments
- Aforismos de Apollinaire for clarinet and piano
- Prelude No. 1 for bandoneon
- Anagrama for vocal soloists, speaking choir and chamber ensemble
- Transición II for piano, percussion and two tape recorders
- Transición I for electronic sounds
- Sur scène: Chamber music theatre piece
- Sonant for guitar, double bass, harp, and skin instruments
- Pandorasbox for bandoneon
- Journal de théâtre: Collection of situations for instruments, actors and props; later to comprise ‘Pas de cinq’, ‘Camera oscura’, ‘Die Himmelsmechanik’, ‘Variaktionen’ and ‘Kommentar und Extempore’
- Le Bruit: Invection pour toute sorte de sources sonores et expressions injurieuses
- Mimetics for piano; a) for solo piano, b) interrupted by other compositions, c) as Metapiece, simultaneous with other compositions by Kagel or other composers
- Heterophonie for orchestra
- Improvisation ajoutée for organ; rev. 1968
- Antithese; a) Music for electronic and public sounds; b) Play for one actor with electronic and public sounds
- Phonophonie: Four melodramas for two voices and other sound sources; rev. 1965; radiophonic version 1965
- Die Frauen: Theatrical piece for ladies for voices and instruments
- Prima vista for slide pictures and indeterminate number of sound sources
- Diaphonie Nos 1–3 for choir and/or orchestra and slide projectors
- Match for three players
- Composition und Decomposition: A reading piece
- Tremens; a) Scenic montage of a test for two actors, electric instruments, percussion, tapes and slide projection; b) Variaktionen über Tremens: Scenic montage of a test for two actors, tapes and slide projection; c) Musik aus Tremens
- ‘Pas de cinq’: Walking scene for five actors; part of Journal de théâtre
- ‘Die Himmelsmechanik’: Composition with stage décors; part of Journal de théâtre
- ‘Camera oscura’: Chromatic play for light sources and actors; part of Journal de théâtre
- Mirum for tuba
- Music for renaissance instruments for 23 players; alt. Chamber Music for Renaissance Instruments for 2–22 players
- String Quartet I/II
- ‘Kommentar und Extempore’: Monologues with gestures; part of Journal de théâtre
- ‘Variaktionen’ for singers and actors; part of Journal de théâtre
- Fantasy for organ with obbligati
- Montage for various sound sources; Montage à titre de spectacle
- Hallelujah for voices
- Der Schall for five players
- Privat for lonely listener
- Ornithologica multiplicata for exotic and indigenous birds
- Synchronstudie for singer, Foley artists and film projection
- Unter Strom for three players
- Ein Aufnahmezustand A State of Recording’)
- Ludwig van: Homage by Beethoven
- Acustica: Music for experimental sound producers, loudspeakers and two to five players
- Klangwehr for marching music corps
- Tactil for three
- Atem for one wind player
- Staatstheater: Scenic composition; constituents:
- ‘Répertoire’: Theatrical concert piece
- ‘Einspielungen’: Music for loudspeakers
- ‘Ensemble’ for 16 voices
- ‘Debüt’ for 60 voices
- ‘Saison’: Singspiel in 65 scenes
- ‘Spielplan’: Instrumental music in action
- ‘Kontra ® Danse’: Ballet for non-dancers
- ‘Freifahrt’: Gliding chamber music
- ‘Parkett’: Concert mass scenes
- Ein Aufnahmezustand
- Probe for an improvised collective; radiophonic version 1972
- Morceau de concours for one or two trumpeters; rev. 1992
- Guten Morgen!: radio play consisting of advertisements
- Programm: conversations with chamber music; sections:
- ‘Abend’ for vocal double quartet, trombone quintet, electric organ and piano
- ‘Aus Zungen Stimmen’ for accordion quintet
- ‘Charakterstück’ for zither quartet
- ‘Gegenstimmen’ for mixed choir and obligatory harpsichord
- ‘General Baβ’ for continuing instrumental sounds
- ‘Die Mutation’ for men’s voices and obligatory piano
- ‘Musi’ for plucking orchestra
- ‘Recitativarie’ for singing harpsichordist
- ‘Siegfriedp’’ for violoncello
- ‘Unguis incarnatus est’ for piano and...
- ‘Vom Hörensagen’ for women’s choir and obligatory harmonium
- Exotica for extra-European instruments
- Con Voce for three mute players
- Variationen ohne Fuge for large orchestra on Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel for piano Op. 24 by Johannes Brahms
- 1898 for children’s voices and instruments; rev. 1996
- Zwei-Mann-Orchester for two one-man-orchestras
- Soundtrack: A filmic radio play
- Mare nostrum: Discovery, pacification and conversion of the Mediterranean region by a tribe from Amazonia
- Kantrimiusik: Pastoral for voices and instruments
- Bestiarium: Acoustic fables on two stages
- Zählen und Erzählen for non-grownups
- Die Umkehrung Amerikas: Epic radio play
- MM 51: A piece of film music for piano
- An Tasten: Piano etude
- Quatre degrés; sections:
- ‘Dressur’: Percussion trio for wooden instruments
- ‘Présentation’ for two
- ‘Déménagement’: Silent play for stage workers
- ‘Variété’: Concert show for artistes and musicians
- Tango alemán for voice, violin, bandoneon, and piano
- Ex-Position; constituents:
- ‘Die Rhythmusmaschinen’: Action for gymnasts, drum machines, and percussionists
- ‘Chorbuch’ for vocal ensemble and keyboard instruments
- ‘Zehn Märsche, um den Sieg zu verfehlen’ for winds and percussion; from Der Tribun
- Die Erschöpfung der Welt: Theatrical illusion in one act
- Blue’s Blue: An ethnomusicological reconstruction for four players
- Klangwölfe for violin and piano
- Der Tribun: Radio play for a political orator, marching sounds and loudspeakers
- Vox Humana? Cantata for solo loudspeaker, women’s voices and orchestra
- Aus Deutschland: lieder opera
- Mitternachtsstük for voices and instruments on fragments from the diaries of Robert Schumann; fourth movement added in 1986
- Finale with chamber ensemble
- Rrrrrrr...
- a) A radio fantasy:
- 11 pieces for winds, double basses and percussion: ‘Raccontando’, ‘Rauschpfeifen’, ‘Rejdovák’, ‘Register’, ‘Réjouissance’, ‘Reprisen’, ‘Reveille/Retraite’, ‘Rhapsodie’, ‘Rheinländer’, ‘Ritornell 1’, ‘Ritornell 2’
- Seven pieces for mixed choir: ‘Rrrrrrr...’, ‘Requiem’, ‘Resurrexit dominus’, ‘Rêverie’, ‘Rex tremendae’, ‘Romance’, ‘Ring Shouts’
- Eight pieces for organ: ‘Râga’, ‘Rauschpfeifen’, ‘Repercussa’, ‘Ragtime-Waltz’, ‘Rondeña’, ‘Ripieno’, ‘Rosalie’, ‘Rossignols enrhumés
- Six pieces for two percussionists: ‘Railroad Drama’, ‘Ranz des vaches’, ‘Rigaudon’, ‘Rim Shots & Co.’, ‘Ruf’, ‘Rutscher’
- Four pieces for solo voice with piano accompaniment: ‘Railroad Song’, ‘Rappresentatione sacra’, ‘Revolution Speech’, ‘Rural Blue’
- Five pieces for jazz ensemble: ‘Rackett’, ‘Rrrrrrre-bop’, ‘Reeds’, ‘Rhythm-Bone & Brush’, ‘Riff’
- b) Radio play on ‘A radio fantasy’ for one speaker
- Fürst Igor, Strawinsky for bass voice and instruments
- Fragen: Hörspot
- Szenario for strings and tape
- Intermezzo for voices and chamber ensemble
- La trahison orale: A musical epic on the devil; radiophonic version 1987
- Two Ballads by Guillaume de Machaut; instrumental realization by Mauricio Kagel
- Der Eid des Hippokrates for piano three-hands
- ...nach einer Lektüre von Orwell: Radio play in Germanic meta-language
- Pan for piccolo and string quartet
- Saint Bach’s Passion for solo voices, choirs and large orchestra
- Cäcilia: Ausgeplündert, ein Besuch bei der Heiligen; Radio play
- Trio in Three Movements for violin, violoncello and piano
- Mio caro Luciano: Tape collage
- Aus dem Nachlaβ: Pieces for viola, violoncello, and double bass
- Ein Brief: Concert scene for mezzo and orchestra
- Old/New: Study for solo trumpet
- Ce-A-Ge-E for piano and harmonizer
- For Us: ‘Happy Birthday to You’; a) for four violoncellos; b) arranged for picc, cl, vla, db, mandoline, gt, hp, perc
- Third String Quartet in four movements
- Tantz-Schul: Ballet d’action; also version as Suite for Orchestra
- Quodlibet for female voice and orchestra on French chanson lyrics from the fifteenth century
- Music for keyboard instruments and orchestra
- Phantasiestück; a) for flute and piano; b) for flute and piano with accompaniment
- ‘Osten’; from Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- ‘Süden’; from Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- Fragende Ode for double choir, brass and percussion
- Zwei Akte; a) Grand Duo for saxophone and harp; b) for two actors, saxophone and harp
- Les idées fixes: Rondo for orchestra
- Liturgien for solo voices, double choir, and large orchestra
- ‘Nordosten’; from: Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- Opus 1.991: Concert piece for orchestra
- “...den 24. xii. 1931”: Garbled news for baritone and instruments
- ‘Nordwesten’; from: Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- ‘Südosten’; from: Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- Konzertstück for tympani and orchestra
- Etude No. 1 for large orchestra
- Passé composé: KlavieRhapsodie
- Episoden, Figuren: Solo for accordion
- Fanfanfaren for four trumpets
- Melodien for carillon
- Fourth string quartet in three movements
- ‘Südwesten’; from: Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- Nah und Fern: Acoustic listening piece for bells and trumpets with background
- ‘Westen’; from: Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- ‘Norden’; from: Die Stücke der Windrose for salon orchestra
- Interview avec D. pour Monsieur Croche et orchestre; texts by Claude Debussy
- Serenade for three players
- Schattenklänge: Three pieces for bass clarinet
- L’art bruit: Solo for two
- À deux mains: Impromptu for piano
- Etudes Nos 2–3 for large orchestra
- Orchestrion-Straat for chamber ensemble
- Auftakte, sechshändig for piano and two percussionists; version for two pianos and two percussionists: Auftakte, achthändig
- Eine Brise: Fleeting action for 111 cyclists. Musically enriched sport event in the open
- Ragtime à trois for violin, violoncello and piano
- Playback Play: News from the music fair; radio play
- Orgelmusik zu vier Händen
- Duodramen for voices and orchestra
- Impromptu No. 2 for piano
- Semikolon: Action with bass drum
- Schwarzes Madrigal for voices and instruments
- Entführung im Konzertsaal: Musical report of an incident
- Burleske for baritone saxophone and choir
- Quirinus’ Liebeskuss for vocal ensemble and instruments
- Broken Chords for large orchestra
- Second Trio in One Movement for violin, violoncello and piano
- Double Sextet for ensemble
- Das Konzert for solo flute, harp, percussion and strings
- Der Turm zu Babel: Melodies for solo voice
- Andere Gesänge: Intermezzi for soprano et pour l’orchestre
- Magic Flutes: Perpetual Canon Interrupted for 12
- Vorzeitiger Schluβverkauf: Unvollendete Memoiren eines Toningenieurs; radio play
- Motettes, for eight celli
- Fremde Töne und Widerhall for orchestra
- Capriccio for two pianos
- Five Vocalises, for a Countertenor
- Les Inventions d’Adolphe Sax for saxophone quartet and chamber choir
- Divertimento? Farce for ensemble
- Fifth String Quartet, in two movements
- Verborgene Reime, for Choir and percussion
- Third Trio, in two movements for violin, cello and piano
–Quasi niente for closed mouths
–Erratische Blöcke, radio piece from acoustic images
–In der Matratzengruft, attempt at a description on words by Heinrich Heine, for solo tenor and ensemble
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