Все музыканты // Аграновский, Алексей Анатольевич - Научные публикации
22 января 2011Оглавление:
1. Аграновский, Алексей Анатольевич
2. Научные публикации
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Алексей Аграновский является автором и соавтором многих научных публикаций:
- 1. Agranovsky, A.A., Dolja, V.V., Kavsan, V.M., and Atabekov, J.G.. Detection of polyadenylate sequences in RNA components of barley stripe mosaic virus. Virology 91, 95-105.
- 2. Agranovsky, A.A., Dolja, V.V., Kagramanova, V.K., and Atabekov, J.G.. The presence of a cap structure at the 5'-end of BSMV RNA. Virology 95, 208—210.
- 3. Negruk, V.I., Agranovsky, A.A., Skryabin, K.G., and Atabekov, J.G.. Size determination of poly sequences in barley stripe mosaic virus RNA. Analytical Biochemistry 99, 450—453.
- 4. Agranovsky, A.A., Dolja, V.V., Gorbulev, V.G., Kozlov, Y.V., and Atabekov, J.G.. Aminoacylation of barley stripe mosaic virus RNA: polyadenylate-containing RNA has a 3'-terminal tyrosine-accepting structure. Virology 113, 174—187.
- 5. Аграновский, А. А., Доля, В. В. и Атабеков, И. Г.. Аминоацилирование компонентов вирионной РНК вируса штриховатой мозаики ячменя. Биологические Науки 16, 160—169.
- 6. Морозов, С. Ю., Горбулев, В. Г., Новиков, В. К., Аграновский, А. А., Козлов, Ю. В., Атабеков, И. Г. и Баев, A.A.. Первичная структура 5'- и 3'-концевых районов РНК X-вируса картофеля. Доклады Академии Наук СССР 259, 723—725.
- 7. Agranovsky, A.A., Dolja, V.V., and Atabekov, J.G.. Structure of the 3'-extremity of barley stripe mosaic virus RNA: evidence for internal poly and a 3'-terminal tRNA-like structure. Virology 119, 51-58.
- 8. Taliansky, M.E., Kaplan, I.B., Yarvekulg, L.V., Atabekova, T.I., Agranovsky, A.A, and Atabekov, J.G.. A study of TMV ts-mutant Ni2519. V. Temperature- sensitive behavior of Ni2519 RNA upon reassembly. Virology 118, 309—316.
- 9. Каплан, И. Б., Тальянский, М. Э., Аграновский, А. А. и Атабеков, И. Г.. Локализация сайтов инициации реконстукции в молекуле РНК мутанта ВТМ Ni2519. Молекулярная Биология 16, 160—169.
- 10. Dolja, V.V., Agranovsky, A.A., Lunina, N.A., and Atabekov, J.G.. Short virion RNA in barley stripe mosaic virus. FEBS Letters 151, 215—218.
- 11. Agranovsky, A.A., Dolja, V.V., and Atabekov, J.G.. Differences in polyadenylate length between individual barley stripe mosaic virus RNA species. Virology 129, 344—349.
- 12. Kozlov, Y.V., Rupasov, V.V., Adyshev, V.D., Belgelarskaya, S.N., Agranovsky, A.A., Mankin, A.S., Morozov, S.Y., Dolja, V.V., and Atabekov, J.G.. Nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal tRNA-like structure in barley stripe mosaic virus genome. Nucleic Acids Research 12, 4001-4009.
- 13. Доля, В. В. и Аграновский, А. А.. Структура генома гордеивирусов. Успехи Биологической Химии 25, 140—145.
- 14. Agranovsky, A.A., Dolja, V.V., and Atabekov, J.G.. Poly content in RNA of the progeny of poly and poly RNA of barley stripe mosaic virus. Arch. Phytopathol. und Pflanzenshutz 22, 435—440.
- 15. Agranovsky, A.A., and Bedasso Jabessa. Identification of two potyviruses infecting pepper and onion in Ambo region. Ethiopian Phytopathological Committee Newsletter 22, 6-9.
- 16. Agranovsky, A.A., and Mitiku Tesso. Further characterization of some virus isolates infecting peppers in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Phytopathological Committee Newsletter 30, 9-19.
- 17. Agranovsky, A.A., and Bedasso Jabessa. Identification of viruses infecting haricot bean and soybean. Scientific Phytopathological Laboratory Progress Report for 1985/86, pp. 177-180, 200—212.
- 18. Agranovsky, A.A., and Anisimov, B.V.. Virus diseases of tomato in Ethiopia. Acta Horticulturae 190, 115—119.
- 19. Karasev, A.V., Agranovsky, A.A., Rogov, V.V., Miroshnichenko, N.A., Dolja, V.V., and Atabekov, J.G.. Virion RNA of beet yellows closterovirus, cell-free translation and some properties. Journal of General Virology 70, 241—245.
- 20. Dolja, V.V., Karasev, A.V., and Agranovsky, A.A.. Organization of beet yellows closterovirus genome. In New Aspects of Positive-Strand RNA Viruses, pp. 31-35, edited by M.Brinton and F.Heinz. Washigton, D.C., American Society for Microbiology.
- 21. Agranovsky, A.A., Boyko, V.P., Karasev, A.V., Lunina, N.A., Koonin, E.V., and Dolja, V.V.. Nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal half of beet yellows closterovirus RNA genome: unique arrangement of eight virus genes. Journal of General Virology 72, 15-23.
- 22. Agranovsky, A.A., Boyko, V.P., Karasev, A.V., Koonin, E.V., and Dolja, V.V.. The putative 65K protein of beet yellows closterovirus is a homologue of HSP70 heat shock proteins. Journal of Molecular Biology 217, 603—610.
- 23. Dolja, V.V., Boyko, V.P., Agranovsky, A.A., and Koonin, E.V.. Phylogeny of capsid proteins of rod-shaped and filamentous RNA plant viruses: two families with distinct patterns of sequence and probably structure conservation. Virology 184, 79-86.
- 24. Agranovsky, A.A.. Exogenous primer-independent cDNA synthesis with commercial reverse transcriptase preparations on plant virus RNA templates. Analytical Biochemistry 203, 163—165.
- 25. Agranovsky, A.A., Karasev, A.V., Novikov, V.K., Lunina, N.A., Loginov, S., and Tyulkina, L.G.. Poa semilatent virus, a hordeivirus having no internal polydisperse poly in the 3' non-coding region of the RNA genome. Journal of General Virology 73, 2085—2092.
- 26. Boyko, V.P., Karasev, A.V., Agranovsky, A.A., Koonin, E.V., and Dolja, V.V.. Coat protein gene duplication in a filamentous RNA virus of plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 9156-9160.
- 27. Rogov, V.V., Karasev, A.A., and Agranovsky, A.A.. Purification and some properties of an isolate of beet yellows virus from Ukraine. Journal of Phytopathology 137, 79-88.
- 28. Agranovsky, A.A.. Virus diseases of pepper in Ethiopia. Journal of Phytopathology 138, 89-97.
- 29. Agranovsky, A.A., Koonin, E.V., Boyko, V.P., Maiss, E., Froetschl, R., Lunina, and Atabekov, J.G.. Beet yellows closterovirus: complete genome structure and identification of a leader papain-like thiol protease. Virology 198, 311—324.
- 30. Agranovsky, A.A., Koenig, R., Maiss, E., Boyko, V.P., Casper, R., and Atabekov, J.G.. Expression of the beet yellows closterovirus capsid protein and p24, a capsid protein homologue, in vitro and in vivo. Journal of General Virology 75, 1431—1439.
- 31. Dorokhov, Yu.L., Ivanov, P.A., Novikov, V.K., Agranovsky, A.A., Morozov, S.Yu., Efimov, V.A., Casper, R., and Atabekov, J.G.. Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a tobamovirus infecting cruciferae plants. FEBS Letters 350, 5-8.
- 32. Никифорова, С. Ю., Аграновский, А. А. и Атабеков, И. Г.. Экспрессия в бактериях и некоторые свойства р65, гомолога клеточных белков теплового шока HSP70, закодированного в РНК геноме клостеровируса желтухи свеклы. Доклады Академии Наук 340, 416—418.
- 29. Agranovsky, A.A., Koonin, E.V., Boyko, V.P., Maiss, E., Froetschl, R., Lunina, and Atabekov, J.G.. Beet yellows closterovirus: complete genome structure and identification of a leader papain-like thiol protease. Virology 198, 311—324.
- 33. Agranovsky, A.A., Lesemann, D.E., Maiss, E., Hull, R. and Atabekov, J.G.. «Rattlesnake» structure of a filamentous plant RNA virus built of two capsid proteins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 2470—2473.
- 34. Аграновский, А. А.. Структура и экспрессия РНК геномов клостеровирусов. Мол. Биология 29, No6, 1265—1285.
- 35. Agranovsky, A.A.. Principles of molecular organization, expression and evolution of closteroviruses: Over the barriers. Adv. Virus Res. 47, 119—158.
- 36. Solovyev, A.G., Savenkov, E.I., Agranovsky, A.A., and Morozov, S.Yu.. Comparisons of the genomic cis-elements and coding regions in RNAb components of the hordeiviruses barley stripe mosaic virus, lychnis ringspot virus, and poa semilatent virus. Virology 219, 9-18.
- 37. Agranovsky, A.A., Folimonova, S.Yu., Folimonov, A.S., Denisenko, O.N., and Zinovkin, R.A.. The beet yellows closterovirus p65 homologue of HSP70 chaperones has ATPase activity associated with its conserved N-terminal domain but does not interact with unfolded protein chains. J. Gen. Virol. 78, 535—542.
- 38. Vitushkina, M.V., Fetchner, B., Agranovsky, A. A., and Jelkmann, W.. Development of an RT-PCR for the detection of little cherry virus and characterization of some isolates occurring in Europe. Eur. J. Plant. Pathol. 103, 803—808.
- 39. Jelkmann, W., Fetchner, B., and Agranovsky, A. A.. Complete genome structure and phylogenetic analysis of little cherry virus, a mealybug-transmissible closterovirus. J. Gen. Virol. 78, 2067—2071.
- 40. Agranovsky, A.A.. Closterovirus papain-like cysteine endopeptidases. In Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, chapter 237, pp. 700-702, Academic Press, New York.
- 41. Agranovsky, A. A., Folimonov, A. S., Folimonova, S. Yu., Morozov, S. Yu., Schiemann, J., Lesemann, D.E., and Atabekov, J. G.. Beet yellows closterovirus HSP70-like protein mediates the cell-to-cell movement of a potexvirus transport-deficient mutant and a hordeivirus-based chimeric virus. J. Gen. Virol. 79, 889—895.
- 42. Зиновкин, Р. А. и Аграновский, А. А.. Обнаружение неструктурного белка р21 клостеровируса желтухи свеклы in vivo с помощью поликлональных антител к белку, экспрессированному в бактериях. Мол. Биол. 32, No 6, 1095—1098.
- 43. Фолимонова, C.Ю., Фолимонов, А. С., Аграновский, А. А. и Атабеков, И. Г.. Идентификация штамма Y-вируса картофеля, вызывающего кольцевой некроз клубней, с помощью иммуноспецифической полимеразной цепной реакции. Вестник РАСХН No 5, 16-18.
- 44. Agranovsky, A.A., and Morozov, S. Yu.. Gene expression in positive strand RNA viruses. In Molecular Biology of Plant Viruses, chapter 4, pp. 99-119, Kluwer Academic Publishers:Boston.
- 45. Zinovkin, R.A., Jelkmann, W., and Agranovsky, A.A.. The minor coat protein of beet yellows closterovirus encapsidates the 5’-terminus of RNA in virions. J. Gen. Virol. 80, 269—272.
- 46. Atabekov, J.G. , Malyshenko, S.I., Morozov, S.Yu., Taliansky, M.E., Solovyev, A.G., Agranovsky, A.A., and Shapka N.A.. Identification and study of tobacco mosaic virus movement function by complementation tests. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 354, 629—635.
- 47. Фолимонова, C.Ю., Приходько, Ю. Н., Аграновский, А. А. и Атабеков, И. Г.. Идентификация вирусов бороздчатости ствола яблони и ямчатости ствола яблони с помощью иммуноспецифической полимеразной цепной реакции. Вестник РАСХН No 1, 13-14.
- 48. Agranovsky, A.A., and Lesemann, D.E.. Beet yellows virus. CMI/AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses No 377.
- 49. Erokhina, T.N., Zinovkin, R.A., Vitushkina, M.V., Jelkmann, W., and Agranovsky, A.A.. Detection of beet yellows closterovirus methyltransferase-like and helicase-like proteins in vivo using monoclonal antibodies. J. Gen. Virol. 81, 597—603.
- 50. Erokhina, T.N., Vitushkina, M.V., Zinovkin, R.A., Lesemann, D.E., Jelkmann, W., Koonin, E.V., and Agranovsky, A.A.. Ultrastructural localisation and epitope mapping of beet yellows closterovirus methyltransferase-like and helicase-like proteins. J. Gen. Virol. 82, 1983—1994.
- 51. Zamyatnin, A.A., Solovyev, A.G., Sablina, A.A., Agranovsky, A.A., Katul, L., Vetten, H.J., Schiemann, J., Hinkkanen, A.E., Lehto, K .& Morozov, S.Y.. Dual-colour imaging of membrane protein targeting directed by poa semilatent virus movement protein TGBp3 in plant and mammalian cells. J. Gen. Virol. 83, 651—662.
- 52. Agranovsky, A.A. & Lesemann, D.E.. Closterovirus. In: The Springer Index of Viruses. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 236-243.
- 53. Martelli, G.P., Agranovsky, A.A., Bar-Joseph, M., Boscia, D., Candresse, T., Coutts, R.H.A., Dolja, V.V., Falk, B.W., Gonsalves, D., Jelkmann, W., Karasev, A.V., Minafra, A., Namba, S., Vetten, H.J., Wisler, G.C., Yoshikawa, N.. The family Closteroviridae revised. Arch. Virology 147, 2039—2044.
- 54. Zinovkin, R.A., Erokhina, T.N., Lesemann, D.E., Jelkmann, W. & Agranovsky, A.A.. Processing and subcellular localization of the leader papain-like proteinase of beet yellows closterovirus. J. Gen. Virol. 84, 2265—2270.
- 55. Agranovsky, A.A.. Closterovirus papain-like cysteine proteinases. In Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, 2nd Edn, chapter 400, pp. 1285-1287, Academic Press, New York.
- 56. Тилькунова, Т. Ю., Зиновкин, Р. А., и Аграновский, А. А.. РНК-связывающие свойства белков клостеровируса желтухи свеклы. Молекулярная биология 38, 553—558.
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